Available Third Class Relics
Available Relic Holy Cards:
We strive to provide these relic holy cards to as many people as possible either for free or at a very low cost. Having been touched to either first or second class relics, the holy cards have become third class relics.
To learn more about requesting a free card, please click here.
The relic holy cards we currently have printed and available are also listed for convenience in our Etsy Store and eBay page.
For information about obtaining bulk/large quantities of the relic prayer cards, please click here.
Relics In Our Care:
The following relics are currently in our care. If you do not see a relic holy card listed for one you are interested in, please send us an email request as we do take custom orders. Some cards are touched to multiple relics and may not have an individual card.
Relics of Our Lord Jesus Christ:
True Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Ex Ligno SS Crucis):
The True Cross is the most distinguished of all relics. It is an instrument of Christ’s Passion though which we received our Salvation. “He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)
Tradition teaches us that True Cross was found hidden in Jerusalem by Saint Helena, mother of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, along with the Holy Nails and Title of the Cross. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built on this site. Part of the True Cross was sent back to Rome and a large portion of it remains in the Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, originally built out of a room in Saint Helena’s palace. Additional relics of Christ’s passion discovered by St. Helena are housed there including a Holy Nail and the Title of the Cross. For additional information, please see this article published in the National Catholic Register: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/taking-the-measure-of-relics-of-the-true-cross
Holy Burial Shroud of Our Lord (Shroud of Turin):
The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be, and has been long been venerated as, the actual burial cloth of Our Lord. The image on the Shroud provides a striking visual depiction of what Our Lord endured in His Passion, what some have called the fifth Gospel.
To date no one has been able to duplicate the creation of such an image as is on the Shroud. Shoddy radiocarbon testing in the late 1980s suggested a date between 1260 and 1390, but subsequent research confirmed the sampling used for the testing was contaminated with repairs rewoven in the middle ages and failed to follow prescribed scientific processes, thus invalidating the test results. Additional evidence of the Shroud’s existence long before 1260 has also been discovered.
Holy Nail
Tradition teaches us that the Holy Nails were found hidden in Jerusalem by Saint Helena, mother of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, along with the True Cross and Title of the Cross. One of these nails is kept at the Basilica di Santa Groce in Gerusalemme. Replicas of the nail at the Basilica have been made which have been touched to the original. Small shavings were also taken and issued as relics.
Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem (ex praesepe)
While modern popular culture often depicts Our Lord born in a wooden stable, those who've visited the Holy Land realize it was actually the grotto of a stone cave. This grotto now forms the crypt of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The place of Jesus' birth is marked by a silver 14-pointed star which bears the inscription: "Hic De Virgine maria Jesus Christus Natus" -- Here Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary.
Holy Crib
​Holy Sponge
Holy Table of Last Supper
Holy Sepulchre
This is the tomb where Jesus was buried and was resurrected. Today the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is built on the site.
Column of Flagellation
When Pilate ordered Jesus to be scourged, he was lead out to the courtyard, stripped of his garments, and tied to the column of flagellation. The soldiers then viciously scourged Jesus.
Holy Stairs (Scala Sancta)
These are the 28 marble stairs tradition teaches us Jesus climbed lead up to the praetorium of Pilate. Traditionally pilgrims to the site will climb the steps on their knees as a devotion to Our Lord.
Mount Calvary (ex rupe)
Veronica's Veil
Also known as the Sudarium, the veil is said to be a relic of a cloth that bears the image of Our Lord. We have in our care a vernicle issued by Pope Leo XIII.
Via Dolorosa (ex rupe)
Garden of Gethsemane
Relics of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
Mary Immaculata, Queen and Mother of the Church, Mother of God. No earthly remains of the Blessed Virgin Mary exist as she was assumed body and soul into Heaven. Let us never forget the most gracious gift of the rosary. There are several relics associated with Our Lady.
Veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Garment of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady of Fatima
In 1917 Our Lady appeared over several month to three young children in Fatima, Portugal, Jacinta Marto (Saint), Francisco Marto (Saint), and Lucia dos Santos (Servant of God), near a holm-oak tree. Our Lady revealed three secrets to the children. In the second secret she encourage all to pray the rosary and consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart.
In addition to the third class relic holy cards, we have a limited number of second class relics containing pieces of clothing worn by Jacinta and Francisco as well as a piece of the holm-oak where Our Lady appeared. We’ve received a letter from the Office of the Postulator authenticating these relics and permitting their public veneration. These are only available to parishes or catholic schools where they will be publicly displayed. For more information, please contact us.
Our Lady of Lourdes
In 1858 Our Lady appeared in series apparitions in a grotto near Lourdes, France to young Bernadette Soubirous (Saint). It was on the 16th appearance, when asked who she was, it was stated, “I am the Immaculate Conception.” Our Lady of Lourdes is the patron of those with bodily ills, who are sick, and seeking protection from diseases.
We are blessed to have a piece rock where Our Lady stood with the inscription: “DE LA GROTTE OÙ LA TRÈS STE. VIERGE A POSÉ SES PIEDS” that was provided by Jean-Marie Laffont, one of the original Guardians of the Grotto who was also a friend of St Bernadette.
Our Lady of Loreto / Holy House of Loreto
Located in Loreto Italy since the end of the 13th century, the Holy House is believed to be the birthplace of Our Lady and where the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her. Tradition states that it was “angels” who carried the Holy House from Nazareth to Loreto. As this article discusses, researchers have found documents in the Vatican Archives which show it was the Angeli family who rescued the holy stones from the House of Our Lady during the crusades. In 2019, Pope Francis added the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto to the Roman Calendar.
Annunciation House
Sepulchre of Blessed Virgin Mary
Relics of the Holy Family:
Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ex pallio, ex domo, ex officina)
Saint Joseph was Jesus’ foster father on earth and third member of Holy Family. He is the patron of the Church, fathers, families, the unborn, workers, and more. He is also known as the terror of demons. We are blessed to have relics of his cloak (ex pallio), house (ex domo), and workshop (ex officina).
Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ex ossibus, ex domo)
Saint Anne is the mother of Our Lady. The house in which she lived with her husband Saint Joachim, is where the Blessed Virgin is said to have been born. The Church of Saint Anne in Jerusalem is currently built on this location. Saint Anne is the patroness of homemakers, grandparents and teachers.
Saint Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ex ossibus, ex domo)
Saint Joachim is the father of Our Lady. The house in which he lived with his wife Saint Anne, is where the Blessed Virgin is said to have been born. The Church of Saint Anne in Jerusalem is currently built on this location. Saint Joachim is the patron of grandparents and fathers.
Relics of the Apostles and Evangelists:
We are blessed to have several relics of the Apostles and Evangelists. One in particular is a multi-reliquary which contains the relics of Saints Peter, Paul, Andrew, James the Great, John, Thomas, James the Less, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon, Jude Thaddeus, Matthias, Barnabas, Luke and Mark.
Saint Peter, Apostle (ex ossibus, cross, altar)
Saint Paul, Apostle (ex ossibus, column of beheading)
Saint John the Evangelist, Apostle (ex vestimento)
Saint John is one of the original 12 apostles and attributed author of the Gospel of John and other books in the New Testament. He is sometimes referred to in the Gospels as the disciple whom Jesus loved and traditional holds was the apostle who took Mary into his home after the resurrection of Jesus until her assumption into Heaven. Saint John is the patron saint of authors, loyalty, and friendship.
Saint Jude, Apostle (ex ossibus, ex indumentis)
Saint Jude is the patron saint of lost and impossible causes. He was martyred with an axe. Legend holds that due to his name being similar to the betrayer Judas Iscariot, few venerated him in the early church. Eager to help those who came to him, he is said to have interceded even in the most hopeless of causes. Saint Bridget of Sweden is said to have received visions from God asking her to venerate Saint Jude as the patron of the impossible.
Saint Matthew
Apostles and Evangelists (multi-reliquary): Saints Peter, Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon, Jude Thaddeus, Matthias, Barnabas, Luke and Mark.
Relics of the Saints and Martyrs:
Saint Adelaide
Saint Adrian
Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Albert of Jerusalem
Saint Albert Magnus, Bishop, Doctor of the Church (ex ossibus)
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church (ex indumentis)
Saint Alphonsus Rodriquez
Saint Anastasia, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Andrew Avellino
Saint Andrew Bobola
Saint Andrew Corsini
Saint Anselm
Saint Anthony the Great (Abbot)
Saint Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church (ex ossibus)
Saint Antonius of Florence
Saint Armand (Amand)
Saint Arnold (Arnulf of Metz)
Saint Athanasius
Saint Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church
Saint Barbara, Virgin and Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Bathazar, Reg (Magi) (ex ossibus)
Saint Bernadette Soubirous, Virgin (ex vestibus)
Saint Benedict of Nursia, Abbot (ex ossibus)
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot, Doctor of the Church (ex ossibus)
Saint Blaise
Saint Boniface, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Caesarius of Terracina
Saint Cajetan
Saint Catherine Laboure (ex ossibus)
Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Doctor of the Church (ex ossibus)
Saint Charles Borromeo
Saint Clare of Assisi, Virgin (ex tunica, ex ossibus, ex pulvis sepulcralis)
Saint Clement of Rome, Pope, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Columban
Saint Cornelius, Pope, Marty
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Saint Cyrilla
Saint Didacus of Alcala (Saint Diego) (ex ossibus)
Saint Dominic de Guzman, Founder OP (ex ossibus)
Saint Dominic Savio (ex capsa sepulc)
Saint Donatus
Saint Dorothy
Saint Elizabeth Seton (ex carne)
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint Eucherius
Saint Faustina Kowalska (Apostle of Divine Mercy) (ex ossibus)
Saint Felicity, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Ferdinand III, Reg
Saint Florian, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Frances X Cabrini (ex ossibus, ex indumentis)
Saint Francis of Assisi (ex cineribus, ex tunica)
Saint Francis Borgia
Saint Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church
Saint Francis Jerome
Saint Francis of Paola
Saint Francis Xavier, Confessor (ex ossibus)
Saint Francisco Marto (ex capsa, clothing)
Saint Gaspar (Magi)
Saint Gemma Galgani, Virgin (ex corpe)
Saint George, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Gerald Majella (ex indumentis)
Saint Germain Cousin (ex ossibus)
Saint Gertrude the Great
Saint Gregory the Great
Saint Hedwig, Reg (ex ossibus)
Saint Hermes, Martyr (ex oss)
Holy Innocents (ex oss)
Saint Hyacinth of Caesarea, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Hyacinth of Poland
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Saint Isadore the Laborer/Farmer (ex ossibus)
Saint Jacinta Marto (ex capsa, clothing)
Holy Japan Martyrs SJ
Holy Japan Martyrs 205
Saint Jerome
Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo
Saint John the Baptist (ex ossibus, ex sepulchre)
Saint John Bosco (ex capsa)
Saint John de Britto
Saint John of the Cross
Saint John Francis Regis
Saint John Neumann (ex ossibus, ex capsa)
Saint John Paul II, Pope (ex indumentis)
Saint John and Paul, Martyrs (ex arca sep)
Saint John Vianney, Confessor (ex carne)
Saint Julie Billiart
Saint Katherine Drexel (ex indumentis)
Saint Lawrence, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Lazarus
Saint Leo the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Church (ex ossibus)
Saint Louis de Montfort
Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
Saint Maximillian Kolbe (ex sub)
Saint Maximinus of Trier
Saint Melchior (Magi)
Saint Michael the Archangel (Grotto Stone from Mt Gargano)
Saint Nicholas of Myra/Bari, Bishop
Saint Patrick, Bishop of Ireland, Confessor (ex ossibus)
Saint Paul of the Cross
Saint Paul the Martyr (ex oss)
Saint Peregrine Laziosi (ex ossibus, ex veste)
Saint Perpetua, Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Peter of Alcantara
Saint Peter Canisius
Saint Peter Claver
Saint Philip Neri (ex ossibus)
Saint Philomena, Virgin & Martyr (ex oss)
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio)
Saint Pius V, Pope
Saint Pius X, Pope (ex carne)
Saint Rita of Cascia
Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church (ex pallio)
Saint Roch, Confessor (ex ossibus)
Saint Rose of Lima
Saint Rumold
Saint Sabina
Saint Scholastica (ex ossibus)
Saint Simon Stock (ex ossibus)
Saint Stanislaw Kostka
Saint Stephen, the First Martyr (ex ossibus)
Saint Teresa of Avila, Virgin, Doctor of the Church (ex oss, ex ind)
Saint Therese Couderc (ex ossibus)
Saint Therese of Lisieux, Virgin, Doctor of the Church (ex pulvere corporis, ex veste)
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church (ex ossibus)
Saint Valentine
Saint Valerian
Saint Vincent de Paul (ex ossibus)
Saint Vincent Ferrer (ex ossibus)
Saint Vincent the Martyr
Saint Vivina (ex oss)
Relics of the Blessed:
Blessed Charles Spinola
Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos (ex ossibus)
Blessed George Matulaitis-Matulewicz
Blessed Marianna Fontanella
Blessed Mary Theresa Ledochowska
Blessed Michael McGiviney
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (ex indumentis)
Blessed Solanus Casey (ex veste)