About Us
DNJC.org is an international apostolate dedicated to spreading the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ by promoting the veneration of His relics and those of His saints. We believe one of the best ways of doing this is making the relics available for public veneration and through the distribution of Third Class Relics, such as holy cards, at little to no charge.
Since starting the ministry in 2018, we've distributed third class relics to dozens of countries and six continents. Our mission is evangelization and glorifying God, not profit, and through His grace we've become one of the largest producers of third class relics in the world! We are blessed to have over 200 relics of Our Lord and His saints in our care.
DNJC.org was also blessed to receive several reliquaries pertaining to Our Lady of Fatima. These reliquaries contained a piece of the holm-oak where Our Lady appeared and pieces of the clothing worn by Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto. Many of these reliquaries have been placed in churches, schools, and seminaries around the world for public veneration.
The Church teaches us that we are part of the communion of saints in the form of the church militant. Through intercessory prayer and invocation we ask that the saints pray for us to God so that our own prayers to God may be more effective, that we may be brought closer to Christ and successful in our battles against sin. As tangible items, relics can help us in our prayer life, but we should always remember that it is our faith and God's grace that accomplish any healing or protection.