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“If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed...”
[Matthew 9:21]
From the earliest days of Christianity, relics have been venerated by the faithful. This included items associated with Jesus as well as bones, clothing, and other items left behind by the martyrs and other saints. We are reminded of the beautiful passage in the Gospels of the miracle of the bleeding woman who was healed by her faith in the touching of Jesus' cloak. Likewise scripture tells us of the wonders God worked through cloths touched to the Apostle Paul.
During the Council of Trent, the Church confirmed that, "Veneration ought to be shown by the faithful to the bodies of the martyrs and other saints, who live with Jesus Christ. For they were His living members and the temples of the Holy Ghost; he will raise them up again to eternal life and glory; and through them God grants many blessings to mankind."
DNJC.org is an international apostolate dedicated to spreading the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ by promoting the veneration of relics of Our Lord and the saints. We believe one of the best ways of doing this is making the relics available for public veneration and through the distribution of Third Class Relics, such as holy cards, at little to no charge.
DNJC is the abbreviation of the Latin: Domini Nostri Jesu Christi -- Our Lord Jesus Christ!

DNJC.org Ministry Store
Getting one of our third class relic prayer cards is easy! We offer these at no charge with a SASE (click here for details); or for convenience at minimal charge in our Etsy Store. In addition to third class relic prayer cards you can also find in our store third class relic devotional oils, handcrafted rosaries, medals, and other items. We also do custom and large quantity orders. Please use the Contact Us page to inquire.
Bulk Prayer Cards: Most listings are for 50-card packs. For larger orders, (click here)
Relic Rosaries: In addition to traditional rosaries, we also have an assortment of themed rosaries such as those that feature St Michael, St Therese, St Jude and Divine Mercy.
Third class relics are items touched to sacred relics (first or second class relics). This is a process the faithful have used for since the very beginning of our faith, and continue today when visiting shrines and holy places, or when relics are displayed locally for veneration.
DNJC.org is one of the largest producers of third class relics in the world. Our prayer cards and oils are custom made to allow us to keep costs as low as possible and each year we give away hundreds of thousands of third class relics to the faithful worldwide, using the sacred relics in the care of our ministry help spread devotion of Our Lord.
As stated above, you can obtain a third class relic prayer card at no charge (a.k.a. free) by sending us a SASE (click here for details); or for convenience at minimal charge in our Etsy stores. Bulk purchases at even lower rates for evangelization, your school or parish, or Catholic shop are welcome too (click here for information on bulk quantities).
Special Program:
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: We are pleased to make available third class relics of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati at no charge. For more information please click here.